Sivan Dirks, L.Ac

Sivan Dirks L.Ac is an acupuncturist, herbalist and a birth doula, specializing in women’s health, pre/postnatal care and pediatrics.

She is the founder/director of Rose City Baby, her acupuncture practice, and Rose City Family Wellness, a collective of dedicated practitioners committed to supporting growing families through an integrated, holistic approach.

At the heart of her practice is a deep desire to nourish, empower and hold space for families as they prepare to welcome a new life earthside.

Sivan brings with her years of clinical experience, extensive training, and personal insights through her own motherhood journey. She believes that trust, personal connection and choices are key to excellent care which centered around individual needs and goals.

Sivan believes that the journey to motherhood is a sacred rite of passage which holds an immense personal transformation. An inner journey that should be honored and celebrated physically, emotionally and spiritually.  She feels passionate about supporting women in stepping into their power, deeply connecting with their inner wise woman and entering motherhood feeling strong, capable and joyful.  

Through her practice Sivan hopes to facilitate self discovery, self realization and clarity to ignite internal healing, balance and true wellness freedom. Her love for the natural world blended with Chinese medicine wisdom and modern concepts, creates a unique experience.  A beautifully  weaved together web that connects body, mind and spirit for optimal vitality and happiness.  .  

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can provide physical and emotional support to the whole family from conception to birth and into the postpartum journey.  Sessions usually focus on unwinding tension, calming the spirit, and balancing the body both structurally and energetically to enhance health for a safe pregnancy and uncomplicated birth.

Sivan offers fertility and preconception support, pregnancy care, pre-birth preparation, birth assistance, postpartum mother warming,  postpartum closing of the bones ceremony and gentle acupuncture for pediatrics.  

Email Sivan directly at and visit for more info on workshops and offerings.





Pregnancy is a time of extraordinary physical & emotional change. It is also a time for deep nourishment and care for you & your baby's well being. For over 3000 years Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine has promoted specialized treatments during pregnancy in a safe, gentle and effective way. Regular acupuncture treatments throughout your pregnancy can greatly enhance your health and positively influence the development of your baby as well as support natural labor and postpartum recovery.

Birth/Labor Preparation

Pre-birth acupuncture treatments are designed to help prepare the woman's body for the transition from pregnancy to labor & birth. Emphasis is given to improving blood circulation to the pelvis & ripening of the cervix as well as addressing any specific individual needs prior to giving birth. All women preparing for labor can benefit from theses treatments. In fact many countries such as Denmark, France, Germany, Switzerland & New Zealand have specialized acupuncture training for midwives in hospitals & privet settings.


Postpartum Recovery

A beautiful time to bond & connect with your little one. All too often, women are expected to resume normal activity quickly & great pressure is placed on getting their bodies back in shape. Following childbirth, care is especially important to the long term health & recovery of the mother. Its a time to regain strength, vitality and re-balance body-mind-soul. Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs can provide a natural, safe healing option to help restore the physical & energetic changes that have occurred during pregnancy and labor. Treatments can boost your body's defenses, relieve afterpains, fatigue, depression, support breast feeding and much more.


As parents we want nothing more than for our children to be healthy, happy and thriving. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine can be a great natural solution for your child's health needs. Today there are many children suffering from chronic contemporary illnesses such as allergies, asthma, eczema, cough, digestive issues, sleep problems and behavioral disorders as ADD & ADHD. For many of these issues western medicine offers limited resources, frequently involving drugs that may cause unwanted and /or harmful side effects with long term consequences. The beauty of Chinese Medicine is that it naturally stimulates the body's own ability to heal itself from the inside out while protecting it along the way.